As its name implies, MailBox is essentially the Drop by itself, a single-slot buffer that holds a piece of data until it has been retrieved. 顾名思义,MailBox从本质上说就是Drop,用于在检测之前保存数据块的单槽缓冲区。
You can use the mailbox information fields like display name or alias. 可使用如“显示名”或“别名”等的邮箱信息字段。
Your ISP may call this your mailbox name. 您的isp可能将它称为您的邮箱名称。
Create a mailbox. The e-mail alias will be the same as the logon name. 创建邮箱。电子邮件别名将与登录名称相同。
To allow updates to mailbox attributes, provide the administrator account name and password for each site. 若要允许更新邮箱属性,请提供各个站点的管理员帐户名和密码。